Friends Childcare, Logo

(617) 925-5169

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Our Baby Rooms

Friends Childcare has two infant classrooms:

• Inchworms: Younger Infant Room (6 Weeks - 9 Months)
• Ladybugs: Older Infant Room (9 - 15 Months)

In the Inchworm classroom, babies focus on skills such as tummy time, rolling over, pulling to stand, balancing, and learning to crawl. Once children graduate to the Ladybug classroom, they focus on walking, learning to talk, sign language, manners, and listening. In addition to general childcare we look forward to giving your children a head start on their education by improving and building skills.

Both classrooms encourage social and emotional development, including building relationships with their teachers and other classmates, recognizing that it is ok to feel emotions, learning how to appropriately conduct those feelings, and practicing self-soothing exercises. For further information on our curriculum, feel free to click on the links below.

Sample Inchworms Curriculum  Sample Ladybugs Curriculum 
Two Babies Playing

Building Social and Emotional Skills

The infant programs offered by the team at Friends Childcare are flexible and adapt to the preferences of each child. Through these programs we help your child develop communication and motor skills with loving care and playful routines .